What is a Co-op?

There are many kinds of co-operatives: food co-ops, co-op daycares, credit unions, retail co-ops, worker co-ops and housing co-ops. Any group of people can form a co-operative. The members own shares in the co-operative and the co-operative provides a service they need. Housing co-operatives provide housing.

Since the 1930s, Canadians have been building and living in housing co-ops. The people who live in the housing are the co-op’s members.

They elect, from among themselves, a Board of Directors to govern the business of the co-op. Each member has one vote. Members work together to keep their housing well-managed and affordable.

Over the years, federal and provincial governments have funded various programs to help Canadians create non-profit housing co-ops.

As a co-op member, you have security of tenure. This means that you can live in your home for as long as you wish if you follow the rules of the co-op and pay your housing charge (rent). As a co-op member, you have a say in decisions that affect the co-op.

Members form a community that works together. Co-op communities are made up of all kinds of people – people with different backgrounds and incomes and special needs. These diverse and vibrant communities are the unique strength of the co-op housing movement.

Members Rights

As a member you are:

  • A voting member who contributes to the governance of the co‑op

  • Able to run for the board of directors

  • Required to pay monthly housing charges, on time and

  • Abide by all bylaws and policies to maintain membership

Member(s) have the right to vote at annual, general and special meetings on specific business of the cooperative:

  • Elect a Board of Directors

  • Approve Bylaws

  • Approve the annual budget

  • Approve recommended monthly housing charges that affect the quality of your housing

  • Receive audited financial statements that show how the cooperative spent your money

Live there for as long as you like, if you abide by the by-laws, rules and policies.

Video Info

Co-op Structure

Our Federation

The mission of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) is to inspire, represent and serve our members in a united co operative housing movement.

Our members are housing co-ops as well as the organizations and people who support them.

CHF Canada sets out a strategic plan to meet member needs, including education and resources, advocacy and enterprise services like insurance, asset management and refinancing.

CHF Canada also connects Canada’s co-op housing movement with housing co-ops in other countries and with co-operative enterprises in Canada and around the world. Our international work is carried out through our support and involvement with Rooftops Canada and Co-operative Housing International.

To learn more, click here.